VAE Engineer
Are you interested in carrying out the process of Validating your Prior Experience (VAE) in order to obtain the level I Engineering diploma issued by ESTP in one of our five specialties:
· Public works
· Building
· Mechanical and electrical engineering
· Topography
· Sustainable construction energy engineering
This process is part of the continuing education reform: you may use your personal training account (CPF) for support.
VAE is a process recognised by the French Labour Code. This process recognises professional and non-professional experience in order to grant a diploma, title or professional qualification certificate.
VAE is a right open to all individuals who are able to prove continuous or non-continuous, full time or part time, salaried, non-salaries or volunteer professional experience in direct relation with the content of the diploma in question.
Advantages of the process
· Personalised support from A to Z with personalised mentoring from professionals
· Methodological assistance with the creation of a portfolio of acquired knowledge and the drafting of a technical essay
· Methodological workshops offered at Université Paris 8
· Help with preparing for VAE interviews with the technical essay jury and the VAE jury
· Flexible preparation
· Access to the network of ESTP Paris alumni.
VAE is a process divided into 3 main phases:
Process preparation: 7 to 10 months
- Feasibility: receipt of application, motivation interview, advice and guidance
- Admissibility: completion of application (booklet 1), in-depth analysis of the applicant’s pathway and self-assessment
- Preparation interview for the admissibility jury,
- Advice on additional training to improve skills
- Submission of the admissibility cerfa form
Support with the process: 22 months
- Appointment of a tutor and organisation of the tutorship
- Drafting of a list of skills and knowledge to be acquired based on the frame of reference
- Methodological workshops to prepare the applicant for the redaction of a portfolio of acquired skills (description of initial and continuing education courses, professional and personal experience, experience abroad, etc.)
- Assistance with drafting the technical essay detailing the applicant’s skills in the targeted specialty
- Assessment of soft skills by specialised consultants
- Preparation of defence
Validation: 2 months
- Defence of a technical essay
- Presentation of the applicant’s portfolio of acquired knowledge before the VAE jury
- Presentation of the application file approved by the VAE jury before the ESTP diploma jury
In 2023 it breaks down as follows:
- 100€: application fee (non-refundable) by cheque made payable to : ESTP - AS
- 7,500€ excluding VAT (exempt from VAT): cost of the VAE process
To this amount may be added :
- The cost of any additional training prescribed: a precise evaluation of the total cost of the VAE process will be made after an interview and in-depth study of the pre-application file.
- An English test (TOEIC or TOEFL, for example) and any necessary refresher courses.
Applications are open until 29 February 2024.
Timeframe for access to the course: the minimum waiting time to access the course between the sending of your application and the admissibility jury is 7 months.
For more information, please contact:
Communications department
Tel | 01 75 77 86 08