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BIM: integrated design and life cycle of buildings and infrastructures

BIM: integrated design and life cycle of buildings and infrastructures

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The Specialised Master’s degree in BIM: integrated design and life cycle of buildings and infrastructures, is co-accredited by ESTP and École des Ponts ParisTech. 

New European directives encourage the use of BIM in building and public works tenders, and in some cases it is even mandatory. The increasing use of digital models has resulted in the need to deeply transform skills and the ways in which we cooperate with construction stakeholders.

The Specialised Master’s degree in BIM is supported by Médiaconstruct, the Fédération des syndicats des métiers de la prestation intellectuelle, the fédération du Conseil, de l'Ingénierie et du Numérique (CINOV), the Union Nationale des Syndicats Français d’Architectes (UNFSA), the Union nationale des Économistes de la construction (UNTEC), SYNTEC-Ingénieurie and Entreprises Générales de France BTP (EGF-BTP).

Objectives of the Specialised Master's

To help the many stakeholders to “work together” with the help of an interoperable information system that meets all technical, regulatory and environmental requirements, at controlled costs.

  • To manage a project using a digital model
  • To design new-build, existing-build or renovation construction and exploitation projects, using integrated BIM, by considering the constraints and models of the various stakeholders involved and, in particular, energy and environmental requirements.

Our partners 


Main positions occupied

·       BIM manager

·       Project engineer

·       Project manager

·       Public and private project manager

·       Operation supervisor 

·       Asset manager 

Practical focus 

  • One-year BIM training course on a sandwich basis (1 week of classes, 3 weeks in the company per month)
  • One week of classes includes 3 days of theoretical lessons at École des Ponts ParisTech and 2 days of practical workshops in the BIM room at ESTP on the Cachan campus.
  • Next intake in September 2024
  • 400 hours of training

For informational purposes, the cost of tuition for the 2019/2020 academic year: 

  • 14,000 € for individuals and very small businesses (with proof)
  • 15,250 € partner company rate
  • 17,000 € for non-partner companies
    Over the last three years, 92% of our graduates have obtained their degree.

95% of our graduates find a job within 6 months of completing their Specialised Masters.

👉 Apply online on the École des Ponts ParisTech website: here


For more information, please contact:

Communications department
Tel | 01 75 77 86 08